July 2020 release updated for use during the pandemic


898A Palace Road, B.F. Homes, Las Pinas City

(+632) 8820-8719 or (+632) 8826-8270

year 2020

What is autism?


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior.
Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a “developmental disorder” because symptoms
generally, appear in the first two years of life. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical The American
Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) provides the following
diagnostic criteria for 299.00 autism spectrum disorder:

  1. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested
    by the following, currently or by history (examples are illustrative, not exhaustive; see text):
  • Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example, from abnormal social approach and failure of normal back-and-forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
  • Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, ranging, for example, from poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication; to abnormalities in eye contact and body language or deficits in understanding and use of gestures; to a total lack of facial expressions and nonverbal communication.
  • Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understand relationships, ranging, for example, from difficulties adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making friends; to the absence of interest in peers

What is the aim of the CARD, Phils.-PAFI?


CARD, Phils.-PAFI is a non-stock, non-profit organization that provides persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders or ASD and their families a broad range of services addressing their medical, psychological, social, and vocational needs. Its vision is a world where persons with autism (PWAs) have the right to self-determination, meaningful education, gainful employment, personal development, social interaction, and political participation. It aims to provide people with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) with quality education for life to help them develop their fullest potentials.

Our mission is as follows: We are a training, education, and information resource center for the management of autistic spectrum disorders. We provide a full range of services from childhood to adulthood needed by persons with autistic spectrum disorders, their families, and communities. We are a dynamic and sustainable service institution of highly skilled and committed professionals, parents, and caregivers working together for the welfare of persons with autistic spectrum disorders.

The School and its History


The Center for Autism and Related Disorders is a non- profit, parent-managed foundation. Since 1995, CARD
has specialized in the education and training of people with autism (PWAs), their families, peers, carers,
teachers and employers. By partnering with families, government and civil society, CARD teaches
communities the intrinsic and unique value of the autistic outlook and empowers PWAs and their families to
live with joy, meaning and purpose. It was established in 1995 and aims to provide PWAs and their families
and caregivers with a broad range of therapy services addressing their medical, psychological, social,
education and vocational needs. It is SEC – registered, recognized by the Department of Education and the
Department of Social Welfare and Development. It has also provided a venue for thesis students in SPED and
other disability related professionals (such as developmental pediatricians, psychologists and therapists)
who wish to deepen their training and understanding of educational interventions for PWAs. Staffed by a
dedicated and enthusiastic team of teachers, therapists and doctors, CARD – PAFI assists its clients in coping
with the debilitating effects of autism throughout their lives by providing a structured and holistic
educational program based on functionality and lifelong learning. CARD-PAFI also promotes the cause of
autism by networking and helping other schools and agencies in developing services for PWAs. CARD-PAFI
services include diagnostic assessment for school placement and educational program development,
education programs both in school and in homes using the unique FIT curriculum, teacher training and
development, therapy, including occupational, physical and music therapy, training of caregivers and
parents, research in autism epidemiology and therapies, community outreach and networking and bakery

CARD – PAFI has been the recipient of several grants from local and international funding agencies. For example, in 2006, CARD – PAFI received a grant from Philippine Australian Community Assistance Program (PACAP) to develop a pilot vocational model which later became the school baking program. This project has also received additional funding from Lloyd George Asia Foundation of Hongkong.

The school population consists of about 50 students with autism ranging from 4 to 40 years of age. It has also served more than 100 students and families through its home programs. Some of its teachers, such as its art instructor and its previous assistant teacher, are PWAs themselves

The CARD Curriculum


The CARD curriculum framework is based on its FIT model for intervention called the F. I. T. Approach, which
stands for Functional, Integrated, Team Approach. This model addresses four basic spheres of human
engagement: health, personal life, work and sociopolitical participation. The main essence of the curriculum is to guide them in becoming individuals who are able to survive independently as well as become functional and productive members of the society.

Focusing on whole-life skills that include age-appropriate activities they need. We also consider their current and future living domains and the activities needed by these persons in their day to day survival.

The delivery of educational interventions and therapy is embedded within the student’s multi-layered social environment and synergizes with personal, family, peer, community and professional resources available to each individual student.

Emphasizing on the collaboration and teamwork of all the key players to ensure consistency and success in the implementation of their educational programs. Key players include medical professionals, teachers, therapists, social workers, counselors, parents, caregivers, and other people in the community dealing with individuals and their families.

Programs and services


On-site program
This is a daily intervention program for various age levels focusing on developing daily living skills, as well as vocational skills emphasizing on school-home collaboration and partnership.

The school curriculum is based on CARD’S “Wheel of Life” functional, integrated, and team (FIT) approach. It has the following components: Adaptive Physical Education, Pre-vocational Skills and Community Integration, Behavioral Modification, Communication, Socialization, Pre-academics, Gross and Fine Motor Skills, and Recreation. Teachers, therapists, and parents work hand in hand to provide specialized intervention programs based on the needs of clients during day-long sessions.

Pre-School and Primary Level (2.6 to 11.11 years old)
Transition and Adult Level (12 years old up)

Home training program
This is a home-based training program for PWAs and their parents/caregivers on how to manage their
children at home. The program lasts for about 3 to 4 months with monitoring visits by the teachers at

Tutorials (Center-based and Home-based)
Special Education ( SPED) tutorial sessions addressing the student’s task performance and daily living skills;
and guiding the family to implement different management strategies.

Training for parents, caregivers, siblings
Training packages address the specific coping needs of parents, siblings, and caregivers. These feature
interactive lectures, videos, and hands-on training. Intensive training is provided to teachers and other
professionals who wish to acquire in-depth mastery of the theory and skills in autism intervention. Exposure
programs are given to students of psychology or special education and other related courses.

Parent/Professionals Training

Phase 1 Training: “First Things First”
Phase 2 Training: “Step by Step”
This is a two-day seminar-workshop on autism and management strategies scheduled for all parents of CARD
students and other interested parties.


Goals and objectives


The overall goal of the CARD is to address the broad range of individual problems by offering each individual a functional development program, which is designed to fit their individual needs.

Each program shall have a focus on but will not be limited to the following:

  1. An individualized program shall be designed to deal with each child’s pattern of strengths and deficits in order to maximize his/her functionality.
  2. A trained professional shall utilize behavioural modification techniques to reinforce acceptable behaviours and diminish unacceptable behaviours of the person with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) so that his/her behaviour is acceptable at home, school and in the community.
  3. Verbal and/or nonverbal communication shall be developed in a way that meets the child’s real needs. Students will develop a desire to communicate intentionally, verbally, or non-verbally, in order that their needs can be met.
  4. At the earliest possible opportunity, persons with ASD shall be trained in functional living skills so that they are able to accomplish tasks, which will strengthen their independence and allow them to reach their fullest potential.
  5. Pre-academic and Functional Academic programs shall be used to facilitate intellectual growth,
    cognitive development and reasoning.


Our focus is the well-being, growth, and functional development of persons with ASD. We sincerely hope the programs we have designed and evaluated reflect our commitment to addressing the disabilities and behavioral problems of each person under our care and we look forward to a meaningful and dynamic partnership with you as we enter each program year.

Developmental program


Students are grouped according to their chronological ages, taking into consideration level of intellect, communication skills (verbal or nonverbal) and nature of behavioral difficulties.

Each regular program involves a minimum of two and a maximum of four students. One on one sessions are provided for persons with severe difficulties in specific areas of their behavioral development, but he/she is grouped with other children for other areas of development.

Given that a majority of persons with ASD are severely afflicted, there exists a great amount of difficulty in learning. Thus, we believe that the education of the person with ASD must be based on the functional needs of each individual. Learning needs must be prioritized, such that deficits that hamper participation in a classroom setting are dealt with first before other areas are addressed. Students who are able to manage their difficulties (which would interfere with their ability to live amongst people in their communities) are eligible to enroll in regular schools. Such a program needs close coordination with CARD. The student may continue to be enrolled in CARD, Phils – PAFI for other areas of his/her development which a regular classroom structure may not provide.

👉 “First things first” program.

Based on an assessment of current abilities and areas of difficulty, programs in basic skills such as: sit, wait,
come, walk, eat a variety of food, drink, be toilet trained, bathe oneself, have a haircut, dress himself, go to the doctor, go to the dentist, approach-request, be aware of the danger, join family outings, respond when
called, eye contact, compliance, etc., are developed and carried out.

👉 Behavioral programs.

Behavior that interferes with the ability to learn is modified or extinguished. These include the control
and prevention of the following:

1️⃣ Disruptive behavior such as tantrums, running away, screaming, throwing objects, and grabbing.

2️⃣ Resistant behavior or non-compliance such as adjustment to new places, people, objects, schedules, and activities; and changes in general.

3️⃣ Self-stimulation and stereotype behavior such as hand flapping, fingers twiddling, rocking, giggling, twirling, etc.

4️⃣ Aggressive behavior such as biting, kicking, hitting, headbanging, and throwing of objects at others.

5️⃣ Obsession such as with eating, drinking, objects, insects, numbers, letters, and people attachments.

6️⃣ Manipulative and attention-seeking behavior such as over-demanding, disruptive, non-compliant actions.

7️⃣ Cut – off or avoidance behavior such as physical withdrawal, singing. Hiding, running away, diving, and repetitive ‘no, no, no’. 

👉 Adaptation skills.

The program focuses on developing the ability of the person to work and live with people and develop skills, which will aid in ‘community survival’ such as:

1️⃣ Tolerance through desensitization program
2️⃣ Social skills
3️⃣ Play/recreation and leisure skills
4️⃣ Pre-vocational skills
5️⃣ Vocational skills
6️⃣ Community integration skills

Communication / Social communication skill

This program provides structured intervention activities to develop functional communication for verbal and non-verbal persons with ASD. This involves the use of augmentative forms of communication such as signs and gestures and visuals along with speech and language to develop as many functions as possible in order
that the child may appropriately communicate needs and wants. Communication programs are designed to suit the skill levels of each child. Higher functioning students are taught more social communication, conversational skills wherein they are taught how to ask and respond to questions as well as the concept of
turn-taking in verbal interaction.

Gross and Fine Motor Skills

The Gross and Fine Motor Skills program develops the child’s body coordination, ability to control balance, strength, and speed. Focus is on eye-hand coordination, finger dexterity, and motor control for self-help in preparation for higher-level skills.

Functional skills.

The functional skills program develops skills of independence in performing activities for daily living such as:

1.  Eating
2. Toileting
3. Grooming and hygiene
4. Dressing
5. Household chores/living skills
6. Self-management skills
7. Others

👉 Pre-academic & functional academic skills.

These programs focus on functional reading, functional writing, and functional mathematics, the three basic concepts that are highly used in the daily living of a person. Other area concepts are tackled such as functional science based on the purpose and need of the child.

General operating policies


📆 CARD, Phils – PAFI calendar

CARD, Phils.-PAFI operates on a bi-semester basis. The Summer Program is offered as an integral
component of the yearly curriculum. Enrollment for the upcoming school calendar year is during the
Summer Program during office hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. m.
School Administration Office is closed during the vacation period. Late registrants will only be accepted
depending on the availability of the appropriate class level for your child. CARD, Phils.-PAFI’s opening day is
usually the same as the date prescribed by the Department of Education.

📃 Admission requirements

Before a child may be enrolled at CARD, Phils – PAFI, the following requirements must be accomplished:

1️⃣ Referral letter indicating the diagnosis, specific needs and recommendations from a Developmental Pediatrician, or other qualified Diagnosticians and Professionals.
2️⃣ Student’s Records Photo-copies of the child’s following records:
✔ Medical records
✔ Child’s birth certificate
✔ School record/s (if child is attending or was previously enrolled in other school/center)
✔ Reports from previous/present therapist.

3️⃣ An Individualized Educational Assessment to be conducted by CARD’s educational specialist (CARD
teacher or therapist) shall serve as a basis for matching the child’s needs with CARD’s services and preparing the Individualized Educational Program/Individualized transition program (IEP/ITP) of each child. A formal report will be rendered to the parents. The fees for the evaluation shall be charged separately.
4️⃣ Entry Interview and orientation of parents
5️⃣ Attendance of parents in Phase 1 and Phase 2 training
6️⃣ Attendance of caregiver in Caregiver’s training
7️⃣ Full payment of Reservation Fee
8️⃣ Full payment of Cash Deposit

Parents are required to submit the above requirements within 30 days upon entry; otherwise, the child will
not be permitted to come to school.

💳 Fees

CARD, Phils.-PAFI shall provide parents with the option to pay all the required fees depending on the
payment scheme they agree to avail.
The tuition fees are charged separately upon the child’s admission and are not in any way incorporated or
included in the cash bond, which is refundable upon the departure of the student from CARD, Phils. – PAFI

The tuition fees and other incidentals charged to each child will vary depending upon the recommendations
for placement made by CARD’s education specialist. Hence, children who can tolerate longer hours at CARD
and for whom a longer program is recommended will be charged a higher tuition fee than one who stays
only the minimum number of hours at CARD, Phils.-PAFI.
Deadline for payment of the Reservation Fee is end of March. If the parents fail to pay the reservation fee,
the Center has the right to give the slot to other potential student enrollees for the next school year. Finally,
tuition fees are subject to increase annually.

👨‍🔬 Therapy services

CARD, Phils.-PAFI consider various therapeutic services in relation to the child’s needs and developmental
level. The school interfaces its curriculum with these services when the educational specialist determines
that the child can benefit from an individual occupational and/or speech therapy program. Individual
therapeutic services are provided either by independent practitioners or by professionals contracted by the

👔👚 Uniforms

The students are required to wear CARD, Phils.-PAFI prescribed uniform which they MUST wear Mondays
thru Fridays. Parents are advised to purchase a suitable number so that the child will have a clean T-shirt
available at all times.

Pre-school and Primary
Male – White Polo with CARD patch, khaki shorts, clean white socks and comfortable shoes or sneakers,
CARD, Phils.-PAFI identification card
Female – Blouse with CARD patch, CARD, Phils.-PAFI identification card, skirt or pants, clean white socks and
comfortable shoes or sneakers
P.E. uniform: White T-shirt with CARD patch, jogging pants, rubber shoes and socks, personal hand towel

Male – White Polo Shirt with CARD patch, long pants, clean white socks and comfortable shoes or
sneakers, CARD, Phils.-PAFI Identification Card
Female – Blouse with CARD patch, skirt or pants, clean white socks and comfortable shoes or sneakers
CARD, Phils.-PAFI Identification Card
P.E. uniform – white T-shirt with CARD patch, jogging pants, rubber shoes, white T-shirt with CARD patch,
jogging pants, rubber shoes and socks, personal hand towel

Bakery Uniform

  • Male – White T-Shirt, denim pants or jeans, clean white socks and clean and tidy shoes, hair must be
    secured and cleared from forehead. snuggly fit hairnet, a pleated chef’s hat or the traditional chef’s toque (to be purchased from the bakery), personal hand towel
  • Female – White T-Shirt, denim pants or jeans, clean white socks and clean and tidy shoes, hair must be secured and cleared from forehead. snuggly fit hairnet, a pleated chef’s hat or the traditional chef’s toque (to be purchased from the bakery), personal hand towel

General center procedures


👨‍🏫 General directives

All parents should familiarize themselves with the contents of this handbook and should strictly comply with all the provisions herein. Parents are expected to discuss and follow the policies with their children (if at all possible) and their caregivers. CARD, Phils.-PAFI’s responsibility is to orient and call the attention of parents and caregivers who fail to follow CARD, Phils.-PAFI’s policies. Ignorance of these provisions does not excuse any student/parents and/or caregiver from the stipulated corresponding sanctions.

1️⃣ All students and their parents are required to attend official school activities initiated by CARD, Phils.-PAFI.

2️⃣ CARD, Phils.-PAFI recognizes the hazards of smoking to the health and declared CARD, Phils.-PAFI
premises, as a “cigarette and tobacco-free area.”

3️⃣ Each student enrolled in CARD, Phils.-PAFI and their respective caregiver is issued an official
identification card. The student and caregiver must always wear his/her ID upon entering and while
in CARD, Phils.-PAFI premises. Any person in the premises who fails to present his/her ID when
requested shall be considered an intruder and may be required to leave the school grounds.

4️⃣ The loss of an ID card should be reported by the parent or caregiver to the Administrative Officer
immediately, so a replacement ID may be issued for a fee of P100.00. The loss of an ID will require
the student/parent/caregiver to present an affidavit of loss before applying for a new ID. In case of
recovery of a lost ID, the surrender of such to the Administrative Officer will allow the student to
cancel one record loss. A student who is not enrolling with CARD must surrender his/her ID and
caregiver’s ID card to the Office.

5️⃣ Students and their families who have transferred residences or have changed their home telephone
numbers MUST inform the Office in writing immediately. Parents and/or caregivers are liable for
incorrect information in their ID, Information Sheet, and other school documents.

📚 Program hours

  • CARD’s session hours range from three hours to six hours daily, depending on the program level/grouping of
    the child.
  • CARD may recommend separate one-on-one sessions to be conducted by other medical or allied medical
    professionals such as speech pathologist and occupational therapist, duly authorized by CARD, Phils.-PAFI.
    Should the child’s parents wish to avail of these services, the child may need to spend additional time to
    attend these sessions. CARD, Phils.-PAFI will make reasonable efforts to set up a schedule, which will be
    most convenient for the parents and child.
  • CARD administers Home programs and tutorials to reinforce the child’s program at CARD or at home.
    Schedule will depend on the child’s needs and the availability of teachers.
    The child may be given morning, or afternoon scheduling, depending on the appropriate grouping. As stated
    earlier, if changes are made in program groupings, schedules may also change
  • For special activities in which all the sessions will be combined in the morning or afternoon, the parents will
    be notified so they can adjust their schedules for that day.

🚀 Arrival / dismissal

  • Students must be at CARD grounds 10 minutes before sessions begin. Frequent tardiness must be avoided. Students who are habitually tardy are unable to make the most of their learning experience and may have difficulty adjusting to CARD’s routines.
  • Students are dismissed and led outside the classrooms into the waiting area in an orderly fashion to prevent distracting other students. Parents, caregivers and drivers are advised to stay in the waiting area and fetch the children when they are dismissed. Parents are encouraged to fetch their children on time since the teachers and staffs have other responsibilities to attend to after classes.

🏃 Absences

  • Daily attendance and punctuality maximizes learning. Parents are urged to notify CARD if their children will be absent. CARD will exert all reasonable efforts to help absentees catch up with missed activity/ies, but strongly advises their child to make up for these at home. The Center allows no more than five (5) unexcused absences. Three (3) late/tardiness are equivalent to 1 day absence.
  • CARD also requires students to attend the Flag Ceremony every Monday at 8:15 am and 1:15 pm for the afternoon group. Late comers will not be allowed to enter CARD’s premises until the entire ceremony is over.

🏪 Community trips

  • All children are expected to go on programmed community trips. Their trips to the barbershop, beauty
    parlor, doctor’s clinic, dental clinic, mall, supermarket, cinema, church, hospital, park, etc. are part of the
    children’s developmental program. Through these trips, the children become aware of the various people
    and places beyond their homes and learn to understand their role in the community. A parent and/or
    caregiver must be present to accompany each child during said trips.
  • Assembly point for any and all community trips is at the school grounds.
  • Before a child is allowed to attend any community trip, parents must sign a consent form /reply slip which is
    attached to the monthly calendar distributed to the students. An assisting adult must accompany the child on community trips. Each child must wear CARD uniform and ID for proper identification and for security
    purposes. In cases where the consent form/reply slip is not received by the school, the student will NOT be
    allowed to participate in the community trip/s.

🥧 Snacks and meals

  • The children are expected to bring their own snacks/meals and drinks daily. Parents are advised to provide
    their children with nutritious snacks such as sandwiches and fresh fruits when available. Junk foods should
    be avoided not only because of their low nutritional value but because they tend to make children hyperactive and difficult to manage.
  • Eating should be done in the classroom or in the area designated for mealtime. For certain children, eating in different places, times and eating of different foods are part of their developmental program and
    therefore, parents must provide the food they wish their child to learn to eat.
  • In the early stages of behavior modification, “junk food” may be “utilized” as a reward. Therefore, CARD may request parents to provide them. However, these should not be made easily accessible in school or at
    home. The teachers will decide when to make use of such food rewards throughout the duration of a child’s
    day in CARD.

🤼‍♂️ Social occasions

  • Plans for birthday celebration and/or other occasions must be discussed beforehand with the child’s
    teacher. As a policy, families are advised to keep celebrations simple and for this purpose, time allotted is a maximum of 2 hour. Also, parents are expected to clean up after the party. Please provide large trash bags so caregivers/helpers, and drivers can easily bring them home for disposal. Parents are requested not to insist on a full blown party at CARD grounds because this will only disrupt the regular program schedule and
    may send the wrong signal to other parents who may also want their child to be given the same privilege.
  • Should the family decide on a party at home and want to invite the CARD, Phils.-PAFI staff, teachers and
    classmates, they should make prior arrangements with CARD so that the party may serve as an opportunity
    to teach them social skills during the social gathering.
    If not all classmates will be invited to attend the party, CARD suggests invitations be sent directly to each
    child to be invited, in order to spare the feelings of those not invited.
  • CARD always encourages friendship to go beyond the four walls of the class rooms, not only because social
    interaction and social skills are reinforced but because a child who constantly deals with others becomes
    mature and sensitive to the feelings of his/her friends. Hence, if parents should want their children to go
    home with a classmate to play, please notify the teacher concerned with a written note.. Children without
    written notes will not be allowed to leave with their classmates.


Students’ responsibilities and obligations


Students will be more successful with their learning by being responsible, participating, and having a positive

✔ attending classes on time and regularly.
✔ being prepared for classes with all necessary supplies.
✔ taking good care of school property.
✔ completing all homework assignments.
✔ organizing their time well.
✔ respecting themselves and others.
✔ studying on a reg

✔ participating in classroom activities.
✔ contributing to discussions and group activities.
✔ communicating when they don’t understand.
✔ participating in school activities and having fun.
✔ participating in community and recreation programs.

✔ considering parents’ values, expectations and culture.
✔ maintaining good physical health, exercising, eating right, and getting enough sleep.
✔ listening carefully to teachers and parents.
✔ being cooperative and considerate.
✔ Being kind and helpful
✔ Welcoming challenges
✔ helping others

Parents’ responsibilities and obligations


As in all educational and development programs what goes on after program sessions is as important, if not
more important, than what is taught during program hours. What is learned during sessions will be
internalized only partially and very slowly, if it is not consistently reinforced at home. The importance of this
day-to-day follow-up and support cannot be stressed enough. It is both a waste of valuable student space,
teaching time and parents’ resources if those who are most in contact with the student do not fulfill their
obligations and responsibilities to fully support the programs. Therefore, this section of the Handbook
provides parents and caregivers an overview of the ways in which they can help.

📝 Program:

👉 On a weekend as classes open, a PARENT ORIENTATION is required, to review the various CARD policies, to discuss their children’s respective program, to offer suggestions and recommendations on a home program the family can set up as an on- going routine, and to introduce other services and seminars CARD will be offering which the child or parents may wish to take advantage of.

👉 P. I. P. (Parent Involvement Program) requires parents to observe and assist in CARD sessions to provide parents with hands on training.

  1. Parents are required to attend Case Team Conferences to discuss their child’s progress. Case Team Conference is done after every semester and whenever there are urgent issues needed to be discussed. Parents will always be notified in advance by the Center for the Case Team Conference schedule.
  2. Parents are required to participate in the home visitations conducted in the middle of each semester by the teacher in charge accompanied by the Program Officer and at times together
    with the School Director. CARD has the right to cancel the scheduled home visits if the parent/s are not present on the day of the visit.
  3. Parents are encouraged to discuss, plan and implement Individualized Educational Program
    (IEP)/Individualized Transition Program (ITP) goals of the child.
  4. Parents are required to promptly submit/return reply slips to their child’s teacher or to the

👉  Parents are required to attend SPECIAL EVENTS & PROJECTS involving the children’s programs.

👉 Parents are ENCOURAGED to take an ACTIVE role in the PARENTS SUPPORT GROUP to sustain support for the children and CARD.

👉 Parents are obliged to inform and to update the Center of the therapy/ies receive by their child.

👉 Parents are advised to inform the office in writing the name of the regular person/driver who may pick up their child from school. The official person/driver noted in the letter will then be issued a pass by CARD. In cases where another person/driver is assigned to pick up the child for one reason or another, the student will only be allowed to go with the substitute person/driver if a written letter of authorization is submitted to the CARD office.

👉 When an Assisting Adult or Driver assigned to take care of or drive for your child resigns, CARD must be informed in writing, so that necessary steps to protect your child may be implemented. Also, please indicate the name of the new Assisting Adult and/or Driver.

👉 If an assisting adult or driver of one of the students is hired by another parent of a child enrolled in CARD, these individuals will NOT be allowed inside the premises of CARD to take care of the new ward. This move is to protect the former ward who may be immensely by the change.

👉 Students are not allowed to leave the main gate of the school, unless his/her ride is right in front. Assisting adult MUST also be right beside the student. Cars must line up and are not allowed to cut in or overtake another.

Only the parents or the official guardian may take the student from the premises to where their ride is parked. Any untoward incident which may occur outside the premises of CARD will be the responsibility of the parent or the official guardian

Likewise, in cases where the child will have to leave school earlier than the scheduled time of departure, a written letter from the parents is require to be submitted to the office. This is for the protection and safety of the student.

💰 Financial

  1. Parents must promptly pay all regular and special fees (Assessment, Tuition, Counseling, Individualized Occupational or Speech Therapy, Tutorial and Home Program fees), so that suggested therapy may be incorporated in the child’s program.
  2. While parents may wish to avail of other developmental activities (speech therapy, occupational therapy, social skills, and other support services), we expect the parents to inform CARD so that these activities may be properly evaluated and integrated into the total program of the child.
  3. Transportation expenses incurred during home visitations, community integration activities such as outings, visit the barber, dentist,  restaurants, malls, churches, parks, supermarket/grocery stores, etc, case team conferences, meetings held outside CARD and other activities one outside CARD shall be shouldered by the parents.
    d. In the event children are injured as a result of conflict between the children, teachers and/or caregivers,
    parents of the child who caused the injury should take the initiative to make amends by shouldering the
    medical expenses of the injured child and/or caregivers. CARD’s responsibility is to prepare an incident
    report and inform both parties.
  4. In case of damage to property, parents will pay for the replacement and the repair of the property belonging to CARD, any member of the faculty, non-teaching staff, another student or visitor while inside CARD’s premises.

🏥 Standard Operating Procedure When Attending a Student’s Clinical Evaluation

👉 Preparatory to the Clinical Evaluation (Observation)

  1. Parents must inform the doctor if they want the presence of the teachers during the evaluation. Doctors must agree beforehand and be made clear about the purpose of the observation process.
  2. Parents are required to submit a letter of request regarding their need for the teachers’ attendance to the clinical evaluation.
  3. Parents are responsible for the teachers’ transportation (either fetched or sent back by parents
    or thru transportation allowance).
  4. Clinical Evaluation with a request for teachers’ attendance that is beyond working hours (beyond 8 am to 5 pm) is subjected to extra professional fees.
  5. Teachers are required to send the latest report/s about the student to the doctor and/or the parents at least a week before the scheduled clinical evaluation.

School administration will decide whether to allow the teacher-in-charge to join the visit depending on the availability of the teacher’s schedule so as not to hamper the class operations.

👉 During the Clinical Evaluation

  1. Teachers are technically “observers” during the evaluation. Upon entering and greeting the doctor, no further discussion should be done unless initiated by the doctor.
  2. Teachers should wait for the doctor to ask questions before giving any comments or bring up any issues about the student.
  3. Teachers should wait for the doctor’s instructions before giving any prompts or cues to the student.
  4. Teachers must bring an extra copy of the latest report/s during the visit.
  5. Teachers are required to accomplish the Clinic Visit Form regarding observations and any discussions/feedbacks gathered during the visit pertinent to the student.

👉 After the Clinical Evaluation

  1. Everything observed and discussed throughout the visit should be considered highly confidential.
  2. Teachers are required to report to the School Director and Program Officer regarding the results of the visit. Copy of accomplished Clinic Visit Form should be given to the office for filing.

Caregivers’ responsibilities and obligations


👉 Caregivers (as well as drivers) are advised to wait in the waiting area in the CARD’s premises, avoid loud
talking or use of CARD’s equipment indiscriminately, as well as comply with the CARD’s rules and regulations.

👉 If for any reason the caregiver has to leave the premises during school hours, they must notify the CARD
office before leaving with written permission from their employer.

👉 Caregivers are requested to comply with the CARD’s uniform requirement. Only T-shirt and long pants as
specified by the school’s administration office is allowed in CARD’s premises.

👉 CARD will allow caregivers a 5-minute break twice a day to leave the school grounds for their personal
needs, i.e., to buy something from the store nearby or to smoke. This privilege is subject to the teacher-in-charge’s permission so they can be recalled easily to aid in class when the need arises.

👉 When an Assisting Adult or Driver assigned to take care of or drive for your child resigns, CARD must be informed in writing, so that necessary steps to protect your child may be implemented. Also, please indicate the name of the new Assisting Adult and/or Driver.


👉 If an assisting adult or driver of one of the students is hired by another parent of a child enrolled in CARD, these individuals will NOT be allowed inside the premises of CARD to take care of the new ward. This move is to protect the former ward who may be immensely by the change.

👉 Students are not allowed to leave the main gate of the school, unless his/her ride is right in front. Assisting adult MUST also be right beside the student. Cars must line up and are not allowed to cut in or overtake another.

👉 Only the parents or the official guardian may take the student from the premises to where their ride is parked. Any untoward incident which may occur outside the premises of CARD will be the responsibility of the parent or the official guardian

Safety and Security


⛈ Typhoon or heavy rain

Classes will be automatically suspended when storm signal number 1 is announced.
CARD, Phils.-PAFI follows the Department of Education orders for class suspensions in cases such as
typhoons and other natural and man-made calamities. Parents and/or caregivers are advised to listen
to the radio and/or watch television for the official announcements of the Department of Education.

In cases where the Department of Education gives the School the discretion on the suspension of
classes, parents and/or caregivers must call and check with CARD for the official announcement.

🚧 Safety and welfare

In the event of suspension of classes and the students are at the CARD premises, the following guidelines will be observed:

  1. Classes will continue to be held until the students are safely picked up.
  2. If classes are suspended in mid-morning, all classes will continue until noontime, as scheduled, but the afternoon classes will be canceled.
  3. If classes are suspended in mid-afternoon, classes will continue as scheduled until each of the students is picked up by their families. While classes are ongoing, the teachers and/or the caregivers will make every effort to contact the parents to inform them of the early dismissal.
  4. The Center shall accede to the request of individual parents who wish to bring their child home immediately after the official announcement of the suspension of classes.

🚑 Emergency medical situation

In emergency medical situations, CARD will immediately notify the parents and the child’s physician. While exhausting all efforts to contact the parents or the physician of the child, the student will be accompanied by a CARD representative and the child’s caregiver to the car or ambulance to the nearest clinic or hospital. It is understood that all expenses incurred, i.e., Doctor’s fee at the emergency clinic or hospital as well as medicine and other charges, will be for the account of the parents.

In case the child meets an accident during class hours or official activity initiated by CARD, the Program Officer/Assistant Program Officer and the Teacher in charge will be  responsible for the first aid that will be given to the child in school  immediately.

🚦 Other emergency situations

🔥 In Case of Fire :  All faculty members in their respective classrooms and/or Program Officers or Assistant Program Officers shall perform the following functions:

  • Switch off all electrical or gas appliances in use.
  • Lead their students to the nearest exit away from the fire to a safe place. Make sure to double check the room to make sure there are no remaining students. Door of classroom should remain unlocked.
  • Conduct an orderly but fast movement of students out of the fire scene.
  • Advise the students and/or caregivers or drivers to carry with them only their important belongings, if still possible.
  • Ease the fear of the students
  • Everyone should maintain silence. Teachers are to check if their students are complete. Should there be any missing student, this should be reported immediately to the Administrative Officer.
  • Attend to the safety of the students in general.
  • When the building is declared safe, Teachers will be instructed to lead their class back to the classroom. Once in the classroom, attendance should be taken again.

☝ All employees shall observe safety procedures and shall perform emergency functions assigned to them by the appointed Emergency Marshall, such as switching off the gas and electrical appliances, etc.

☝ First aid must be administered to those who are injured or have suffered other health-related problems.

🌍⚡In Case of an Earthquake

👉 Wherever you are, stay calm.

👉 During the initial shock and tremor

  • If the students are inside the building, seek cover under heavy/sturdy furniture such as
    tables (“DUCK, COVER AND HOLD”). Should there be no heavy/sturdy furniture available, stand in a nearby doorframe.
  • Stay away from windows and areas where glass panels, mirrors are located and from
    objects like picture frames that may fall on you.
  • Do not run or vacate the premises while an earthquake is occurring.

The initial shock of an earthquake may last from a few seconds to more than a minute. It is usually followed by aftershocks that are generally lesser in intensity. Aftershocks may come in rapid succession immediately after the initial shock or the interval of aftershocks may vary from a few minutes to several hours or days.

🌊 After the initial shock and tremors

If the intensity of the earthquake was quite strong and the building is in real danger of collapsing or falling debris has made it unsafe to stay in the building:

  • Carefully get out of the place where you sought cover
  • Switch off all main switches like gas and electricity, if still possible.
  • Calmly but orderly get out of the building and proceed across the street (to the open space) where you can keep a distance from structures and objects like electric posts and wires that may fall on you.
  • Wait for further instruction from the School Emergency Response Team

👷 All faculty members, officers and staff shall perform their assigned functions such as:

  • Attend to the safety of the students.
  • Direct the students to seek cover curing the initial tremors.
  • After the initial shock and tremors, switch off gas and electrical appliances/
  • Direct students to the nearest exit
  • Attend to a fast and orderly evacuation of the building to a place of refuge (across the street, etc)
  • Teachers must account for their students.

🏣 The school emergency response team

To ensure preparedness and capability of the school community to respond to any emergency and/or disaster, CARD has created the School Emergency Response Team with five (5) sub-teams to:

1️⃣ Devise emergency plans
2️⃣ Conduct drills for emergency and disaster preparedness
3️⃣ Organize and mobile emergency control action for rescue, evacuation and relief during emergency situations or disasters.

The five (5) sub-teams pertain to

  • First Aid
  • Evacuation
  • Fire and Site
  • Security/Search and Rescue
  • Communication and Maintenance

NOTE: All faculty members and staff shall conduct an orientation on safety procedures and assign teachers, staff, caregivers and/or drivers specific duties such as switching off gas and electrical appliances. Announced fire and earthquake drills shall be conducted at least once every school year. Unannounced drills shall also be conducted anytime.

🕵 Lost and found

The Center shall make every effort to protect the safety of the children’s belongings. As a standard operating practice, all teachers and staff, inspect the classrooms for any items the students may have left behind. If anything is found, the teacher submits the item/s to the office for safekeeping and will call the parents of the student concerned. Item may be picked up immediately or may be given to the student concerned the following school day. Children are not allowed to bring expensive toys or wear expensive jewelry to school. Expensive toys can only be brought if these are used as reward for a behavior modification program.

CARD office shall be the repository for all lost items. Parents are requested to report to CARD any item/s lost by their child immediately. Items not claimed after 60 days will be disposed of by CARD.


Cancellation from the School Placement


Should the parents wish to discontinue availing of the CARD’s services, a formal letter must be submitted to the Center Director stating the reason for discontinuance and the request for the refund of the school bond, which the parents paid at the beginning of the child/children’s enrolment. The following should be accomplished:

1️⃣ Letter of Intent addressed to the Center Director, to cancel school placement and refund Cash Bond,
2️⃣ Parents must accomplish a clearance and exit interview form from the Office.
3️⃣ No records will be supplied to any student whose accounts have not been settled.
4️⃣ Outstanding balances will be deducted from the bond.
5️⃣ Identification cards issued to the child/children and caregivers must be surrendered to CARD.

Parenting Roles Online and Offline


Parent input and involvement in their child’s education are critical in the educational decisions that are made for their child. This has not changed, even in this time, with its unique and challenging circumstances. 

Because your children are with you all the time during the lockdown, your ‘hands-on’ role in the supervision, oversight, and assistance with the day to day delivery of your child’s instruction has become inescapable. Now more than ever, the local school system staff will rely upon you to work together with them in new and different ways. Your child’s educational progress and learning experience depending on this enhanced partnership.

Therefore, keep these guiding principles in mind as you move forward together:
1️⃣ You must maintain regular and ongoing communication with CARD
2️⃣ Keep an open mind, be flexible and creative in the planning and implementation of your child’s educational program
3️⃣ You must be clear about your roles and responsibilities and communicate your expectations on everyone involved in your child’s education.

💉 Dealing with the pandemic

  • PWAs are particularly vulnerable to stress from the disruptions due to the lockdown. As a parent, you must arm yourself with accurate and up to date information about the pandemic and teach your child how to deal with it realistically. Encourage them to communicate how they feel or if they are unwell. Demonstrating correct hand hygiene and encouraging consistent compliance in different situations can be empowering. Showing your child how to wear masks correctly, how to cover her cough and how to help clean their surroundings are equally useful. Children may respond to stress in different ways such as having difficulties sleeping, bedwetting, throwing tantrums, being anxious, withdrawn, angry, clingy or afraid to be left alone. Respond to your child’s reactions empathetically. Be alert to their concerns and take time to comfort them and give them affection, reassurance and praise. If possible, create opportunities for your child to play and relax. Keep regular routines and schedules as much as possible or help create new ones in a new environment. Provide age-appropriate facts about what has happened, explain what is going on and give them clear examples on what they can do to help protect themselves and others from infection. Share information about what could happen in a reassuring way.

Here are some suggestions on how support your child’s physical and mental health:
1️⃣ Monitor your child’s health and keep them home from school if they are ill. 
2️⃣ Teach and model good hygiene practices for your children, Wash your hands with soap and safe water frequently. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water, if hands are visibly dirty, Ensure that safe drinking water is available and toilets or latrines are clean and available at home, Ensure waste is safely collected, stored and disposed of, Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, nose
3️⃣ Encourage your children to ask questions and express their feelings with you and their teachers. Remember that your child may have different reactions to stress; be patient and understanding.
4️⃣ Prevent stigma by using facts and reminding students to be considerate of one another.
5️⃣ Coordinate with the school to receive information and ask how you can support school safety efforts (though parent-teacher committees, etc.)
(Source: Key Messages and Actions for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools. UNICEF, March 2020.)

📇 Your child’s IEP

CARD is committed to delivering every student’s IEP consistent with the need to protect the health and safety of students and their families at this time through distance learning, flexible and individualized instruction, and appropriate teaching strategies that respect their families/ capacities and expectations. The IEP is reviewed on a semestral basis and summative evaluation of its effectiveness is conducted at the end of the school year.

As CARD currently delivers its curriculum through a virtual classroom instead of face to face in the classroom, your child’s IEP may be modified to accommodate the conditions of online learning. This may mean that temporary amendments will need to be made to the IEP until CARD re-opens. Such temporary IEP adjustments are collaboratively assessed by parents and teachers during the IEP reviews. Therefore, it is important for you to ask questions, share concerns, and make suggestions during this discussion.

It is also possible that there are specific goals or objectives that cannot be addressed at this time. It is important to discuss and document these goals during the start of the school year, if any, so that parents and teachers can focus on how your child’s skills in these areas were affected when schools reopen. Any substantial amendments to the IEP will only be in effect until school resumes after the COVID-19 pandemic.

You will be contacted by CARD to discuss the services and supports, goals and objectives in your child’s current IEP. Together, you will determine whether and how each of the parts of the IEP can be implemented during the school closure and in light of the current quarantine restrictions. Your input is very important in this process. The IEP can be amended outside of an IEP meeting with your agreement. Once you agree, the IEP may be implemented immediately although you can still request for a formal parent teacher meeting to further agree on the amended IEP.

Strategies for a Successful Partnership

It is very important that you remain engaged with your child’s team so that they will understand your concerns and do their best to provide the educational support that you and your child may need during this challenging time. In order to fully participate in these important conversations, please consider the following ideas and questions for discussion.

1. Review your child’s IEP and feel comfortable asking questions, such as:
a. When and how, specifically, will instruction be offered?
b. What if my child misses a class as the result of illness or internet issues?
c. How will work be collected and how will feedback be provided?

2. Understand that your child may learn and respond differently when learning at home rather than at school. You may ask:
a. How will information or data be collected so that we know if my child is making progress on their IEP goals?
b. What types of notes, video, photos, or work samples would be beneficial for me to collect?
c. With whom and when can I share this information, especially if my child is beginning to struggle?

3. Be both honest and realistic about how you will be able to assist you your child with their learning activities. You may wish to discuss:
a. Your situation, or your family’s situation, impacts on how you are able to support your child’s learning, including your work schedule and other family obligations.
b. The availability of communication technologies and / or Internet connectivity

4. Distance learning requires access to and knowledge of technology that not everyone has. You may ask:
a. If necessary, how can you borrow the assistive technology devices that your child will need to participate in distance learning?
b. How can you access the training or support you may need for your child to be able to fully participate in instruction?

5. Request a communication schedule and a way to stay in touch with your school contact. You may discuss:
a. How you can contact your child’s teacher/s for you to share your child’s progress, successes and any concerns?
b. Will we have a regular schedule for communication to share strategies, concerns, and successes?
c. What if I have questions for someone else like the speech therapist or occupational therapist?
d. And finally, please remember that we are all in this together. We all want to see your child be successful at home and we all look forward to their successful return to school.



👉 Caregivers (as well as drivers) are advised to wait in the waiting area in the CARD’s premises, avoid loud talking or use of CARD’s equipment indiscriminately, as well as comply with the CARD’s rules and regulations.

👉 If for any reason the caregiver has to leave the premises during school hours, they must notify the CARD office before leaving with written permission from their employer.

👉 Caregivers are requested to comply with the CARD’s uniform requirement. Only T-shirt and long pants as specified by the school’s administration office is allowed in CARD’s premises.

👉 CARD will allow caregivers a 5-minute break twice a day to leave the school grounds for their personal needs, i.e., to buy something from the store nearby or to smoke. This privilege is subject to the teacher-in-charge’s permission so they can be recalled easily to aid in class when the need arises.

👉 When an Assisting Adult or Driver assigned to take care of or driver for your child resigns, CARD must be informed in writing, so that necessary steps to protect your child may be implemented. Also, please indicate the name of the new Assisting Adult and/or Driver.

👉 Students are not allowed to leave the main gate of the school, unless his/her ride is right in front. Assisting adult MUST also be right beside the student. Cars must line up and are not allowed to cut in or overtake another.

👉 Only the parents or the official guardian may take the student from the premises to where their ride is parked. Any untoward incident which may occur outside the premises of CARD will be the responsibility of the parent or the official guardian

👉 If an assisting adult or driver of one of the students is hired by another parent of a child enrolled in CARD, these individuals will NOT be allowed inside the premises of CARD or will NOT be allowed to appear during online classes and activities where the former ward is present. This move is to protect the former ward who may be immensely affected by the change.


 CARD Room ( Calming, Assisting, Relaxation, Demonstration Room )

1.      The CARD room is available for students, parents, assisting adults, teachers, level coordinators and other persons (therapists)who are involved in meeting the special needs of the student.

2.      It may be used for multiple purposes:

CALMING – to calm a child who is experiencing inappropriate behaviors that may be destructive, disruptive, self-abusive or when the student is showing signs of aggression.

ASSISTING – is used to help those who need support from teachers, level coordinators, executive director, other co-parents, and therapists.

RELAXATION – is for those who feel the need to relax when stressed or frustrated.

DEMONSTRATION – can be used to show or demonstrate the correct skills and the appropriate strategies or techniques.

3.     Parents or those assisting the child have the option to choose whether to go to the CARD room or stay in the classroom.

 Edited: August 5, 2021